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It is the 330 McGill Place Condominium Association’s mission to provide a great urban living community along with amenities that serve residents in meaningful ways. These are the rules and responsibilities for charging an electric vehicle (EV), hybrid or plug-in, using the 330 McGill EV charging facility(ies). The term “User” means an owner and their renter, tenant, roommate, or visitor. Owners are responsible for proper use of the EV facility(ies) the User.

There is a nominal monthly fee assessed by CMA to the Unit prior to receiving a key for access to charge a User’s EV:
  1. Effective after October 1, 2022 a $100 administration fee is required to start the EV charging assessment on the Unit account. The administration fee is applicable each time a request for EV use is made.
  2. Charging station monthly fee of $15 becomes effective on the first day of the month following a request for a key and continues through the end of the month on which a key is returned and the User no longer wishes to use the charging station. Charging fees are not pro-rated.
  3. Users may have one key per EV User (i.e., one key per one car) in a unit to utilize the charger. Units charging two EVs will be required to pay a monthly fee for each EV.
  4. The Association may charge a nominal fee for replacement keys.
  5. Keys may not be duplicated or purchased elsewhere and must be obtained from the Association. Use of a foreign key may result in fines and loss of EV charging use.
  6. Charging an additional EV without having the additional monthly assessment added to the Unit account may result in fines and/or loss of EV charging.
Using the Charger:
  1. The User is to only charge an EV that is compatible with the EV facility.
  2. Non-occupant guests (i.e., visitors) may charge using the owner’s key; however, this is intended to be infrequent and part of the owner’s primary use of the amenity.
  3. User is to follow all safety precautions, posted rules and placards (e.g., 3 hour limit per day), and properly return the plug to its holster and hang (do not wrap) the cable on the charger to avoid damage.
  4. The User is expected to coordinate with other residents on their own for maximizing the benefit and equitable use of the amenity.
Failure to follow these rules and responsibilities or any abuse of the amenity may result in fines or result in other action such as loss of the amenity.